EXALT - The All White Worship event is not a concert, but a Worship Experience like no other. The atmosphere of praise set by the Ministers leaves nothing to be desired. The coming together of worshippers epitomizes our belief that where two or three are gathered in Christ's name, He is in the midst of them Matthew 18:20.
Worship is an action!
Over the past few years, the world has been battered by the pandemic, some individuals have suffered way more than they could have imagined. Some lost loved ones, some lost jobs, some lost their homes, some lost their dreams, and some lost their hope. While all this may be true, we believe as Wintley Phipps said “It is in the quiet crucible of your personal, private sufferings that your noblest dreams are born, and God’s greatest gifts are given.” We believe that Exalt is one such gift.
Exalt is not an event to entertain, but a coming together born out a united struggle and an experience that declares we intend to praise God no matter what happens in our lives. This atmosphere of worship is for those who believe in worship as an action. The all-white affair demonstrates our belief in purity and goodness as we come before God to exalt His name using the many talents He has given us as a people. Exalt is intended to unify our voices and let our praises be heard as far as God would have it.